Ethics For Hackers: Feedback

Notes for reviewers

Proofreaders and private reviewers;

Please enjoy reading and commenting on chapters in progress here. These will change, and in time will mostly be replaced with more compact summaries or excepts suitable for internet readers, plus resources and reference to the final published book. Some chapters will remain in full as PDFs by permission of the publisher.

To prevent half-baked PDFs littering the network the chapters are currently offered in simple HTML and plain text formats. They should be treated as impermanent.

Sending Feedback

Please send feedback using the email address provided. If possible cut/paste a few short words of context to highlight the location of feedback to help me find and edit.

Things I’d like

All kinds of feedback is welcome, from apostrophe and grammar Nazism, suggestions, corrections, supporting anecdotes, disagreements, all the way to philosophical rebuttals of core arguments (though before penning long arguments please be aware I’ve read many before and this text stands largely in spite of them).

Errors of fact

If you spot a basic error, misattribution, name mis-spelling, or numerical error, I’d like to hear about it. Please, of course, send a reference to a reputable source. “Alternative facts” in the form of major scientific revisionism are not welcome unless you are an expert in the relevant field and have published something in a quality journal that offers interesting disputation (in which case I may note your perspective).


In a book on ethics I would hope to make all treatments of sensitive issues as kind as they can be. Since I do not believe that “bare words” ought to be policed, it is context and fairness that is at issue. If you spot something that could be said more tactfully please drop me a note.

Missed opportunities and citations

If you think of a quality source or credible theory that could be brought to bear on an argument I’d love to hear more. This may be something best done towards the end of proofreading as it’s possible that I’ve already mentioned a source or theory in a later chapter.

Eyewitness rebuttles

Some institutions and companies are in the crosshairs in this book because of their recorded or “widely known” criminal acts, injustices and machinations. If you know differently from first hand knowledge and are prepared to publish your name, department and period of employment/service then please help me correct the story. My public key should be easy for you to find and I will destroy any correspondence you mark as sensitive.


Even if I cannot respond to all, I will at least try to acknowledge and thank you. I will endeavour to acknowledge those who make what I feel is a significant contribution.